Turmeric ( Curcuma domestica) me-rupakan one of drug crop type which many having man-faat, among others as ripe flavour ( especially kare), food colourant, beverage, textile and cosmetic. This crop had been recognized long time back in Indonesia and its use quite a lot in everyday life. Remembers life pattern these days tending to modern with symptom completely instant, makes disease growing in public also having immeasurable. In ten years last, much disease which arises in masya-rakat among others aids, cancer, flu bird and even symptom pikun early. This condition makes public sets thinking to look for therapy alternative of conventionally beside modern therapy. One of drug crop having opportunity in the place of therapy of kimiawi is earning memperlam-bat to come it Alzheimer's disease is turmeric. Usage of this ta-naman usually is powder or turmeric flour cut fine vegetables into ripe flavour.
Turmeric rhizome hardly ber-manfaat as antikoagul-an, reduces blood pressure, anthelmintic, abat asthma, pe-nambah darah,obat stomachache, diarrhoea, intestine infection and rheumatism. Besides ber-khasiat in therapy, turmeric rhizome also many applied for coloring agent, mixture material kosmetika, bactericide, fungicidal and stimulan.
Turmeric to prevent Alzheimer
Disease Alzheimer is conspecific of common Alzheimer's disease happened at man is strarting enters stripper age ( manula). Naturally, ordinary pikun happened in each people because condition of physical of brain declines. But pikunpun can be slowed down comes it with meng-gunakan turmeric in the form of bum-bu kare. Turmeric as component of flavour kare which many used in so many cookery recipe is felt able to maintain quality of finite brain of old age. One of evidence is manula is residing in Asia nations still have memory either in old age because they are diligent consumes flavour kare.
Result of research Dr. Tze-Pin Ng from Universitas Nasional Singapura ( NUS) by 1010 manula is having age 60 years to 93 in the year 2003, indicates that manula which is diligent consumes flavour kare to have higher level recall compared to them seldom or which have never at all. This thing possibly will make inquiring and vexed us. Simply its(the secret lays in yellows colourant ( curcumin) which there is in turmeric rhizome diguna-kan in making kare flavour. Curcumin at turmeric me-miliki a real important function in curing various disease types because the compound can function as anti promoter tumor, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti chafes and anti virus. Besides curcumin at turmeric simply also stands in increasing body immunity system.
Turmeric flour which will be di-jadikan material racikan flavour kare can be made of turmeric corm which has been dried. Evaluated from the angle of its(the amenity, corm which had in iris then is dried, would easier to be milled to be made flour. In consumer nations like United States and English, turmeric flour is applied directly as colourant flavour makanan,dan oleoresine making raw material. In India, turmeric flour is one of base goods for making of flavour kare ( curry powder) which is homogeneous mixture from various turmeric flour types.
With routine consumes flavour kare, will be able to reduce Alzheimer's disease attack risk which able to cause total pikun because condition of physical of brain that is always declines. But wrong don't be, at abundant usage also for people elderly menim-bulkan stomachache effect can, liver trouble or ginjalDari result of conclusion of the pe-neliti reported in American Journal of Epidemiologi Edisi 1 November 2006, express bah-wa curry flavour hardly potency prevents alzheimer because seen from his(its efficacious and not bera-cun. Result of this research is first evidence showing relation between consumption kare ably cognate brain.
Crop figure
Turmeric ( Curcuma domestica Vahl.) be original drug crop from South-East Asia and has been developed widely in South Asia, South Chinese, Taiwan, Fili-pina and grows carefully in Indonesia. Crop grows straightening to reach height 1,0 - 1,5 m. Has pseudo-stem twisted by leaf fronds. Slippery and sharp-pointed crop leaf with length around 30 cm and wide 8 cm. Interest emerges from pseudo-stem with length around 10 - 15 cm. White or white interest colour marked with lines green and sometimes tip of rose colored interest of jambu. Bodywork of crop be the rhizome residing in subterranean. This rhizome usually grows menjalar and mains rhizome usually is in the form of ellips.
Area of growing
Turmeric can grow carefully at ketingggian 0 - 1200 m above sea level. Adaptation ta-naman very good at hot climate until medium with high dampness. Soil;land;ground which suited for turmeric crop is fertile soil, friable, contains many humuses and well drained. To obtain growth which opti-mal, be better if turmeric obtains month of wet around 4 - 6 month of se-belum its(the fall leaf. Pem-bentukan to of rhizome hardly is required sunlight that is enough.
Turmeric rhizome phytochemistry
enyawa main chemistry which ter-kandung in turmeric rhizome is essential oils and kurkumi-noid. Essential oils contains compound seskuiterpen alcohol, tur-meron and zingiberen, while curcuminoid is containing its(the curcumin compound and generation ( rust colored) what covers desmetoksi-kurkumin and bidesmetoksikurku-min. Besides rhizome also contains gum compound, fat, protein, kalsiun, phosphorus and iron.
Crop conducting
Enough turmeric crop conducting easy. Crop rhizome which will be made seed shall which has of age that is around 10 months with wight 20 - 30 g. Seed which will be planted is better if which has owned bydm soriyt along the length of 2 - 3 cm. Before in planting, soil;land;ground beforehand diolah by the way of meng-garpu and hoes in place which will be cultivated. Tilth better be done in the early of the rains. Manure can be given 0,5 kg/lubang to plant and optimal plant spacing is 50 cm x 50 cm and cultivation of seed better with depth of 7,5 cm - 10 cm, with bud faces upward.
Every planting hole better in contents of with one seeds and after seed is enterred, planting hole returns to covered with soil;land;ground. To get pertumbuh-an and produce of rhizome which op-timal, be better if crop in fertilizer with artificial fertilizer that is SP36 and KCL in the early of each cultivation 200 kg/ha and urea 200 kg/ha is given [by] se-banyak thrice that is 1/3 doses at the age of 1 month, 2 month and 3 month of after planting. Besides crop husbandry effort also important, what can be done by the way of mowing weed every two months once and neatens guludan.
Turmeric usually in crop at the age of around 9 - 10 months. Way of enough crop easy to that is by diging rhizome to apply fork. Labours that rhizome is not lag break of time is dug so that wight obtained higher. After fork, soil;land;ground is around rhizome cleaned and rim-pang dikumpukan in karung. Usually yield men-capai can 20 - 30 ton/ha fresh rhizome. ( Cheppy Syukur, Sitti Fatimah. Sulfur, Message Of Puslitbangbun Vol 13 No. 2, August 2007)
Last Is renewed ( Thursday, 14 February 2008 )
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